Resolution Supporting Taiwan’s Meaningful Participation in International Organizations Including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Interpol
WHEREAS, Taiwan, with a population of 23.57 million has: a dynamic and growing economy that produces many of the items necessary for 21st century life, a strong innovation culture, the infrastructure to support cutting edge innovation in a variety of sectors and a longstanding reputation as a trusted global presence; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan, a thriving democracy, is a close economic and strategic partner to the United States and to many of America’s closest allies; and
WHEREAS, the UN’s stated purpose is “To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples … [and] to achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic … character … [and] to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends”; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan’s absence from UN specialized agencies, like the ICAO has had adverse effects on Taiwan’s development, has deprived these entities of Taiwan’s valuable experience and is inconsistent with Chapter 1 of the UN Charter’s stated Purposes and Principles; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan makes meaningful contributions to the world community through foreign aid and its position as a major transport hub both of which could be facilitated by an ability to work within UN frameworks; and
WHEREAS, the inclusion of Taiwan in the ICAO is consistent with the ICAO’s stated purpose of ensuring that “international civil aviation be developed in a safe and orderly manner and that international air transport services may be established on the basis of equality of opportunity and operated soundly and economically”; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan’s Taoyuan International Airport is a key air transport hub in the Asia-Pacific region and in 2018 was ranked the world’s 8th largest by cargo volume and world’s 11th busiest by passenger traffic; and
WHEREAS, the Taipei Flight Information Region (FIR) is adjacent to the Fukuoka, Manila, Hong Kong and Shanghai FIRs, situating it among the busiest FIRs in the world, and in 2019 the Taipei FIR provided more than 1.85 million services to aircraft carrying more than 1.72 million passengers; and
WHEREAS, aviation safety is a global issue that requires all members of the global community to take part in the ICAO in order to best serve the interests of every passenger; and
WHEREAS, 605,000 Americans traveled to Taiwan for business and leisure during 2019, making aviation safety in Taiwan a priority for Americans’ safety and best interests as well; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan was a founding member of the ICAO and despite losing its UN membership, and by extension its ICAO membership in 1971, has continued to abide by the convention and to obtain information on ICAO decisions from countries friendly to Taiwan; and
WHEREAS, Interpol’s mission is “Preventing and fighting crime through enhanced cooperation and innovation on police and security matters.”; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan’s exclusion from cooperative international organizations like Interpol is inconsistent with Interpol’s “vision” of “a world where law enforcement can securely access, share and communicate vital police information whenever and wherever needed, thereby supporting the security of the world’s citizens.” and deprives these people of the very information needed to ensure their security for reasons that are geopolitical rather than practical; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan has a strong willingness and ability to contribute to fighting transnational crime including cybercrime for which Taiwan is especially well suited given its robust information, communications and technology (ICT) sector; and
WHEREAS, this thriving democracy is prevented from participating in Interpol because this international organization has considered Taiwan a part of China since 1984; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan is an independent and sovereign country whose law enforcement agencies have always been independent of the PRC’s; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan’s experience and notable achievements give the country much to contribute in discussions with world international bodies on a wide array of international challenges; and
WHEREAS, Taiwan should be accorded the same access as similar countries around the world to participate in and to join international organizations including but not limited to the ICAO and Interpol without worry of unwarranted exclusion on the part of the PRC or any other nation.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this state legislative chamber supports Taiwan’s meaningful participation and membership in international organizations including but not limited to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Interpol.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this state legislative chamber urges the US State Department to make appropriate arrangements to facilitate Taiwan’s participation in the meetings, mechanisms, and activities of international organizations to enhance global health, safety and security.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the President of the United States, to the Secretary of State of the United States, to the US Ambassador to the UN, to the US Ambassador to the ICAO, to the US Representative to Interpol, to the US Trade Representative, and to the US Secretary of Transportation.