Press Release

Statement by Alan P. Dye on Latest Harassment Tactic Against ALEC by Liberal Front Groups

Contact: Kaitlyn Buss
Phone: 202-742-8526

Statement by Alan P. Dye on Latest Harassment Tactic Against ALEC by Liberal Front Groups

WASHINGTON – Alan P. Dye, legal counsel to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), issued the following statement in response to the frivolous IRS complaint by Common Cause against ALEC:

“The attacks on the American Legislative Exchange Council are based on patently false claims being made by liberal front groups that differ with ALEC on philosophical terms.

“The current complaint mostly ignores applicable law and distorts what it does not ignore. After three decades of counseling clients on nonprofit and federal disclosure requirements, it’s clear to me that this is a tired campaign to abuse the legal system, distort the facts and tarnish the reputation of ideological foes.

“Without question, Common Cause is a partisan front group masquerading as an ethics watchdog.”