Statement on Center for Media Democracy/PR WATCH Wisconsin GAB Complaint
March 28, 2012
The Center for Media Democracy/PR WATCH recently filed a complaint in Wisconsin on the grounds that PhRMA donated $356,000 to a Wisconsin Scholarship fund for ALEC. In actuality, the amount donated was $2,500. PhRMA representatives said: “To clarify a factually erroneous statement in the Center for Media and Democracy complaint, only $2,500 of PhRMA’s 2010 total contribution was attributed to fundraising efforts in Wisconsin.”
Additionally, in 2010, ALEC reached out to the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) to ensure the capability of the ALEC Scholarship program. Attached you will find a letter and supporting correspondence (here and here) from GAB confirming that ALEC’s compliance plan in Wisconsin is appropriate.
ALEC is a forum for state legislators to exchange best practices—founded on the ideas of free markets and limited government—regarding the most critical issues facing the states. At a time when we all should be focused on putting Americans back to work, it is a shame that groups like the Center For Media Democracy and PR WATCH are focused on winning political points over groups that disagree with their principles.
Contact: Kaitlyn Buss at or 202-742-8526.