A Free-Market Roadmap to Artificial Intelligence: ALEC Comment on the NTIA’s AI Accountability Policy

by Jake Morabito


On June 12, 2023, ALEC filed regulatory comments responding to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s “AI Accountability Policy Request for Comment.”

Regulators must tune out hyperbolic warnings of an AI apocalypse and follow the private sector’s strong lead to achieve trustworthy and responsible AI. The Administration should consider voluntary codes of conduct, industry-driven standards, and self-governance principles that can better adapt to AI’s novel challenges.

ALEC highlights three foundational principles that NTIA and the Biden Administration should adopt in any upcoming rules, regulations, or guidance on artificial intelligence policy.

  1. Open-source and voluntary transparency guidelines should build trustworthy AI.
  2. AI standards should be industry-led.
  3. Lawmakers should promote responsible AI experimentation across sectors.

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