Tag: Congress
Tag: Congress
116th Congress – Intellectual Property Deserves Your Attention
Last month some of the most prominent thought leaders on intellectual property (IP) sent a letter to members of the 116th Congress providing guidelines that should inform IP policies developed…
Reining in the Federal Government
Over the last decade, you would be hard-pressed to find many Americans who are pleased with the United States Congress. While Republicans, Democrats, and Independents struggle to find consensus on…
Resolution Calling on Congress to Pass the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act
Model Policy WHEREAS, the federal government has expanded beyond all bounds established by the U.S. Constitution; and WHEREAS, Congress has frequently delegated its constitutional responsibilities while failing to conduct appropriate…
ALEC Is Newest Member of Advisory Council of the Speaker’s Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs
Earlier this month, ALEC was invited to join the Advisory Council of the U.S. House Speaker’s Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs. Chaired by Utah Congressman Rob Bishop, the Task Force…
Lawsuit Reform Gaining Ground in Congress
Lawsuit reform is quickly moving in Congress. A handful of proposals, some of which are based on ALEC model policy, have been included in Speaker Ryan’s A Better Way Plan…
Congress Considers a Pension Bailout
If the federal government truly wants to mend the pension funds of American miners, ending the Obama administration’s war on coal would be a good start.
Charting the Left’s Misguided War on Fossil Fuels
For several decades now, there has been general widespread agreement across the ideological spectrum that fossil fuel development is, on balance, a good thing. Over the years, America’s vast oil,…
A Restoration of the Constitutional Intent of our Founding Fathers: Repeal of the Seventeenth Amendment
In 1789, the thirteen independent and sovereign States joined together to form the United States of America. In the U.S. Constitution, Congress was carefully designed to include the House of…
Recent Bureaucratic Activities Fly in the Face of Congressional Intent
A frequent criticism of the current federal regulatory process is that federal departments and agencies (while oftentimes citing the Chevron deference) promulgate new regulations that conflict with congressional intent.
Speaker Ryan, Chairman Brady Propose Pro-Growth Tax Reform for Congress
Fundamental tax reform has eluded Congress since the Reagan administration, but that is not stopping some members from proposing sweeping relief for our overburdened economy. As part of his “A…
A Congressional Proposal for “A Better Way”
During a recent address in the United States Capitol’s Statuary Hall, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and other congressional leaders outlined “A Better Way,” a series of policy proposals mostly…
Model Application under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to Propose a Congressional Term Limits Amendment
Section 1. The legislature of [INSERT STATE NAME] hereby makes an application to Congress, as provided by Article V of the Constitution of the United States of America, to call…
Draft Memorial in Support of the Article V Records Transparency Act of 2016
WHEREAS, Article V of the U.S. Constitution establishes a procedure for states to propose constitutional amendments; and, WHEREAS, our Founding Fathers included this mechanism to maintain the originally-intended balance of…
Several Pro-Growth Regulatory Reform and Energy Policy Proposals included in Speaker Ryan’s “A Better Way” Campaign
Since the inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2009, Republicans in Congress have been accused by some of being the “Party of No.” Rather than proactively proposing solutions to…
Oklahoma State Representative Lisa Billy, Chair of the ALEC Task Force on Criminal Justice Reform, Delivers Weekly Republican Address
On Saturday, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan hosted Oklahoma state Representative Lisa Johnson Billy, the Floor Leader of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, to deliver the weekly Republican address from Congress. In addition to…
Resolution on Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Resolution on Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act WHEREAS, the federal involvement in education ties the hands of the states with mandates, paperwork,…