Tag: Government regulation
Tag: Government regulation (page 3)
Intellectual Property: The Innovation Economy’s Engine for Growth and Job Creation
Intellectual Property (IP) is work or an invention resulting from creativity and innovation and can be used to define anything from a piece of art to the…
Cloud Computing Taking High-Tech Economy by Storm
What do Netflix, NASA and the Senegal Ministry of Finance have in common? They all operate in the cloud. Cloud computing is increasingly relevant to businesses, consumers, and even government,…
Uber vs. City Hall
Hailing a taxi is one of the most frustrating experiences in modern city life. Unfortunately, city government seems intent on keeping it that way. Uber, a San Francisco-based company,…
Popular Good or Public Good? The Debate to Nationalize Facebook
Despite what history proves about the transient nature of the social media sector—who still uses Friendster or MySpace?—Philip N. Howard’s recent Slate column calls for regulation of the newest social…
5th Circuit Upholds PPACA’s Limits on Physician-Owned Hospitals
Last Thursday, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit challenging provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that effectively limit expansion of physician-owned hospitals. The…
A False Choice in Illinois
This Friday, the Illinois General Assembly will convene a one-day special session to address the state’s overwhelming pension liability. Illinois faces a pension funding crisis of at least $83 billion…
Taxed Three Times: How the Digital Goods and Services Fairness Act Protects Consumers from Multiple Taxes
It is no surprise that a majority of Americans purchase tangible items like clothing, books, and even groceries online. However, a recent finding from the…
Searching for a Fairer, Simpler, Clearer Mobile Tax Policy
A recent Pew Research Center’s report has found that mobile internet usage is increasing across all demographics, most notably among young adult and non-white members of society. Of the…
ALEC on CBS Evening News
CBS Evening News interviewed ALEC’s Secretary Sen. Chip Rogers (GA) on free markets, limited government and ALEC’s sound policy solutions. Check out the clip below.
ALEC Weighs in on EPA’s Proposed Carbon Dioxide Standard
On Monday June 25, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) submitted a public comment in opposition to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed carbon dioxide standard for new…
Deep Blue Pension Reform
It’s no secret that America’s pensions are a major cause of fiscal stress across the country. According to a report last year from State Budget Solutions, most analysts agree that…
Market Holds Great Promise for Closing Digital Divide
For the latest issue of Heartland’s InfoTech and Telecom News, I have an op-ed that looks at the “new digital divide” or the gap between those that have broadband internet…
ALEC in Investor’s Business Daily
ALEC And The Left’s War On Free Speech – Investors.com. “If you want an insight into today’s left, look at its multifront war against the American Legislative Exchange Council…
Free-Market Principles Apply to Light Bulbs, Too
The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded appliance-maker Philips $10 million for devising an alternative to today’s 60-watt incandescent light bulb. The Philips bulb sells for $50, yet a standard incandescent…
Palm Oil – Fueling Economic Growth in the Developing World
In a decision that could have serious economic implications for Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries located within the narrow global band where oil palm is grown, the Environmental Protection Agency…
ObamaCare Continues to Strain Small Business
A Gallup Poll released in February found that nearly half of small business owners pointed to potential healthcare costs (48 percent) as a reason for not hiring new employees.
Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act in Arizona
An article ran in Arizona earlier this week detailing Arizona’s history with ALEC’s Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act—which preserves the right of patients to pay directly for…
All Cost No Benefit: EPA Proposes Carbon Dioxide Regulation for Power Plants
Today, the EPA has proposed a carbon dioxide standard for new power plants. The EPA blames carbon dioxide and other human emitted greenhouse gases for an increase in global…
Sackett Victory Holds EPA Accountable…but by How Much?
By Senator Rand Paul (KY) On March 19, 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency concluded one of its longest-running enforcement matters – a 22-year battle with 80-year-old Massachusetts cranberry farmer and…
Supreme Court Concludes EPA Property Rights Case
On January 9, the U.S. Supreme Court heard a case involving the unconstrained power of EPA bureaucrats to regulate the use of private property. On March 12, 2012, the…