International Relations

Nothing Can Justify the Savage Attack on Israel: Karla Jones on The Marc Cox Morning Show (St. Louis)

ALEC is fully in support of Israel, and we condemn Hamas.

 Karla Jones, Federalism and International Relations Senior Task Force Director, was on with host Marc Cox of 97.1 FM Talk of St. Louis, Missouri discussing the ALEC Model resolution passed by several states affirming support for Israel and condemning Hamas’ savage attack.

ALEC is fully in support of Israel, and we condemn Hamas. This has been one of the most energizing issues I think I’ve ever seen. At ALEC, we invoked what’s called our expedited situation provision to consider model policy rapidly in ten days. We have already adopted the model policy and it was adopted unanimously by the members by both public and private sector members of our task force.

Jones also highlighted the overall mood of the political landscape on the issue.

Maybe the United States and the world has reached an inflection point where they understood why Israel needed to take care of the terrorists on their border… Don’t get me wrong the Palestinians do deserve sympathy because they’re leaders and the UN Relief Works Agency (UNRA) has failed them for decades. But it’s not Israel that has failed them. And nothing can justify the savage attack on October 7th.

Listen to the full interview here.