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How Soaring Prices Cast A Pall Over Holiday Cheer: Joe Trotter in The Daily Caller

Policymakers should prioritize stability and affordability by lifting burdensome regulations and unleashing their economy with a free-market fervor that celebrates rather than frustrates energy production.

Joe Trotter, ALEC Energy, Environment, and Agriculture Task Force Director, authored an op-ed in the The Daily Caller detailing the burdensome effects of high energy prices during the holiday season and into 2024 due to government regulations.

The holiday season is here, and Americans are preparing for a time of joy, family, and celebration. But beneath the surface of festive anticipation lies growing concerns that dampen the holiday spirit – the relentless surge in energy prices caused by big government regulations.

As state and federal authorities push an electrification agenda and an all-out elimination of oil and natural gas, one of the most tangible impacts of high energy prices rests in the realm of heating homes. As temperatures drop, households brace for higher heating bills, especially in states like Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire, (California has the highest), which are paying the highest electricity prices in the continental United States – approximately 52% more per kilowatt hour than the average American. The question is why?

ALEC’s recently published Energy Affordability Report, an examination of energy policies in all 50 states, found that states with higher electricity prices have two factors in common – carbon credits and renewable mandates.

Read the full op-ed here.