Articles (page 143)
Kansas Policy Institute: Debunking Junk Economics
When looking at a state to state comparison, measurement is everything. Correct measures to test a state’s prosperity must be…
Popular Good or Public Good? The Debate to Nationalize Facebook
Despite what history proves about the transient nature of the social media sector—who still uses Friendster or MySpace?—Philip N. Howard’s…
New Study Shows State and Local Business Taxes on the Rise
The Council on State Taxation (COST) recently released a study revealing that businesses paid a total of $644…
State Budget Solutions’ Third Annual State Debt Report Shows Total State Debt Over $4 Trillion
For the third consecutive year, State Budget Solutions examined state debt and calculated the total amount of debt that each state faces. This year's report shows that aggregate debt across the 50 states amounted to $4.17 trillion.
An Expensive Year for Government
The Cost of Government Center (CGC) is part of the Americans for Tax Reform Foundation, a non-profit group that…
5th Circuit Upholds PPACA’s Limits on Physician-Owned Hospitals
Last Thursday, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit challenging provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care…
Unfunded pension liability worse than expected
The issue of state pension sustainability has been a cause of major concern ever since the 2008 recession took a…
Mobile Apps are Niche Sector of the Telecommunications Industry
Statistics from a litany of sources demonstrate one clear takeaway: app use is skyrocketing. Facilitated by increasing numbers of smartphone…
A False Choice in Illinois
This Friday, the Illinois General Assembly will convene a one-day special session to address the state’s overwhelming pension liability. Illinois…
Rep. Linda Upmeyer on What ALEC Means
ALEC’s Second Vice Chair Rep. Linda Upmeyer (IA) writes what ALEC means, and why it is good. Click here for…
Solutions to the Public Pension Crisis
Public pensions at the state and municipal levels are unsustainable in their current form.
The Avoidable Bankruptcy Catastrophe
Bankruptcy has become a real danger to municipalities that choose not to address their fiscal problems. And for most, the…
Taxpayers Flee Maryland
A recent study by the non-partisan group Change Maryland is garnering significant attention after finding more evidence that the…
Public Sector Pensions: How Well Funded Are They, Really?
Around the country, the financial health of defined benefit pension plans for state and local government workers is a matter of concern for elected officials, taxpayers and the financial markets, all of whom worry about governments' long-term ability to meet their financial obligations.
Taxed Three Times: How the Digital Goods and Services Fairness Act Protects Consumers from Multiple Taxes
It is no surprise that a majority of Americans purchase tangible items like clothing, books,…
Website Explains Judicial Selection
by Maureen Wagner In recent years, the debate over the best method for choosing judges has captured an increasing amount…
Searching for a Fairer, Simpler, Clearer Mobile Tax Policy
A recent Pew Research Center’s report has found that mobile internet usage is increasing across all demographics, most notably…
ALEC on CBS Evening News
CBS Evening News interviewed ALEC’s Secretary Sen. Chip Rogers (GA) on free markets, limited government and ALEC’s sound policy solutions.
ALEC Weighs in on EPA’s Proposed Carbon Dioxide Standard
On Monday June 25, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) submitted a public comment in opposition to the U.S.
Taxes Don’t Matter? The Return of Junk Economics
The Detroit News published an opinion editorial today from ALEC’s Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force Director Jonathan Williams…