Trend of Tax Cuts in 2015 Show a National Appetite for Tax Reform
The Center for State Fiscal Reform at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) recently released the third annual State Tax Cut Roundup, which highlights the trend of state legislatures passing reforms to make their states more business and commerce-friendly. Seventeen states substantially cut taxes during their 2015 legislative sessions, and their taxpayers are enjoying the benefits. The results from the 2015 session are also not anomalous; 14 states qualified in 20142 and 17 states qualified in 2013. Special credit goes to four states — Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin—that made all three editions of the ALEC State Tax Cut Roundup. Twenty-one states have yet to qualify for the report.
Williams, Jonathan & Horvath, Joe (2016, April 1). Trend of Tax Cuts in 2015 Show a National Appetite for Tax Reform. Bloomberg BNA. Retrieved from