Archives: Tax Reform / Publications
Archives: Tax Reform / Publications (page 2)
Lessons from Kansas: A Behind the Scenes Look at America’s Most Discussed Tax Reform Effort
Positioned in the center of the United States, Kansas has often served as a stand-in for the preferences of non-coastal America. Perhaps this unique position is why a 2012 tax…
State of the States 2016
This report observes and analyzes the economic policy proposals discussed in each governor’s State of the State address.
Rich States, Poor States, 9th Edition
The 9th Edition of Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index reveals a pro-growth trend across the nation for 2016. Rich States, Poor States examines the latest movements…
State Tax Cut Roundup: 2015 Legislative Session
The 2015 legislative session featured a notable number of states achieving tax relief and tax reform for their citizens. Pro-growth tax reform was a key theme throughout the 2015 legislative…
Rich States, Poor States, 8th Edition
Throughout the country, states are looking for ways to energize their economies and become more competitive. Each state confronts this task with a set of policy decisions unique to their…
State Factor: Charitable Giving
State Factor: The Effect of State Taxes on Charitable Giving According to the new report, The Effect of State Taxes on Charitable Giving the following states donated the most to charity…
State of the States: An Analysis of the 2015 Governors’ Addresses
Each year, governors across the nation give a state-of-the-state address to communicate to their constituents what they did—or did not—accomplish this year. State of the States is an in-depth study…
State Tax Cut Roundup: 2014 Legislative Session
Fourteen states cut cut taxes in the 2014 legislative year, with a trend of traditionally blue states cutting taxes, according to a new report by the Center for State Fiscal…
The Unseen Costs of Tax Cronyism: Favoritism and Foregone Growth
In The Unseen Costs of Tax Cronyism: Favoritism and Foregone Growth, the authors provide an overview on the nature and extent of tax cronyism in states’ tax codes…
Keeping the Promise: State Solutions for Government Pension Reform
Navigating the difficult waters of unfunded liabilities and public pension reform can be a daunting task, which is why the American Legislative Exchange Council Center for State Fiscal Reform has…
Tax Myths Debunked
Across the country, states are seeking new ways to become more economically competitive and better ways to grow. Unfortunately, economic prosperity can be elusive, as some policy prescriptions that are…
Inside ALEC June 2012
“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this…
Rich States, Poor States, 5th Edition
A Message from Gov. Mary Fallin of Oklahoma In 2010, Oklahoma was just starting to climb out of the national recession that cost our state nearly 80,000 jobs.
Rich States, Poor States, 4th Edition
What Others Are Saying… “Nothing better demonstrates the essence of why ALEC was founded than Mr. Laffer, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Williams’ Rich States, Poor States. It shows policies that…
State Budget Reform Toolkit
Today, states face structural deficits created by overspending. Most of the legislative “fixes” over the past few years for state budget gaps have merely postponed or obscured the problems…