ALEC Model Resolution on Continuing Education on Federalism


This bill requires the Commission on Federalism of the state of [INSERT STATE] to create a curriculum for a seminar on federalism that will then be required for all state and local employees who are members of the Bar of the state of [INSERT STATE]. This bill: requires the Commission on Federalism to create a curriculum on federalism; sets out parameters for the curriculum; and requires all state and local employees whose job description requires that they be members of the Bar of the state of [INSERT STATE] to attend a seminar on federalism at least once every two years.

ALEC Model Resolution on Continuing Education on Federalism

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of [INSERT STATE] that a course on federalism is required as a condition of continued employment for every employee of the state or a political subdivision of the state of [INSERT STATE] whose job description requires that the employee be a member of the State Bar OF [INSERT STATE] shall attend a seminar on the principles of federalism. The seminar shall follow the curriculum developed pursuant to the parameters outlined in the relevant law establishing the Commission on Federalism of the state of [INSERT STATE].

Section 1 Federalism Curriculum

The commission shall develop curriculum for a seminar on the principles of federalism.

The curriculum shall be available to the general public and include:

(a) fundamental principles of federalism;

(b) the sovereignty, supremacy, and jurisdiction of the individual states, including their police powers;

(c) the history and practical implementation of the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution;

(d) the authority and limits on the authority of the federal government as found in the United States Constitution;

(e) the relationship between the state and federal governments;

(f) methods of evaluating a federal law in the context of the principles of federalism;

(g) how and when challenges should be made to a federal law or regulation on the basis of federalism;

(h) the separate and independent powers of the state that serve as a check on the federal government; and

(i) any other issues relating to federalism the commission considers necessary.

The commission may apply for and receive grants, and receive private donations to assist in funding the creation, enhancement, and dissemination of the curriculum.

Section 2 Course on federalism required

(1) This section shall apply to:

(a) all political subdivisions of the state;

(b) all agencies of the state;

(c) the Attorney General’s office; and

(d) the [Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel].

(2) Beginning January 1, 201__, an employing entity listed in Subsection (1) shall appoint at least one designee to which all questions and inquiries regarding federalism shall be directed. The designee shall be required to attend a seminar on the principles of federalism developed pursuant to Subsection 1 at least once in every two-year period.

(3) The designee may complete the requirements of this section by attending a seminar in person or online.

(4) The seminar shall also be available for free to the general public online.