At the American Legislative Exchange Council, we work to promote prosperity in all fifty states, producing real change for all Americans. Opportunity exists to positively impact the lives of Americans across the country by driving an agenda of bold policy reform. While the composition of state governments naturally ebbs and flows, we remain near a high-water mark with regard to the number of limited-government, free-market-oriented legislators. Considering the political climate and the proliferation of freedom-oriented organizations in recent years, the time is now to advance policy solutions at the state level.
I am pleased to say that our team here at ALEC and our many partners in the states have made every effort throughout the year to implement our trusted policy solutions, confronting uncertainty faced by many Americans today. We see that as progress. While inflation, energy uncertainty, supply chain disruptions and more all challenge the nation, ALEC is at the forefront of each issue, demonstrating that state-based leadership is still the best answer we have to problems impacting your communities.
The ALEC team has visited dozens of capitols, discussing the leading issues relevant to the states in the past year. It’s through these interactions that we focus on the importance of trusted policy solutions on critical topics like energy, education, the economy and more. We understand that the policy needs in Texas are different from the ones in Alaska and that what works in San Francisco may not be the answer needed in Topeka. In every state we visit, this organization acts as a resource with trusted solutions that create growth and where legislators are able to exchange experiences with those from other states to create a better tomorrow.
While we are well into 2023 and reflect on the year behind us, we continue to operate from a position of strength and find new and innovative ways to advance the mission of the organization dedicated to limited-government, free markets and federalism.
Lisa B. Nelson
Chief Executive Officer
American Legislative Exchange Council