Tag: Constitution
Tag: Constitution
ALEC Educating States on How to Address Federal Dysfunction
Arlington, Va. (March 20, 2023) – The American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) Center to Restore the Balance of Government today released a series of educational videos to educate state lawmakers…
No Runaway Article V Conventions Act
Model Policy “Article V Conventions” mean either a “Convention for proposing Amendments” or a “State Ratification Convention” as expressly provided in Article V of the Constitution of the United States…
How America’s Administrative State Undermines the Constitution
In 1887, future president Woodrow Wilson authored “The Study of Administration,” an article which would later earn him the nickname “father of public administration.” In this misguided call to…
Low Trust Cultures Pay a High Tax
“The most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.” This is how four-time British Prime Minister, William Gladstone, described the United States…
Federalism: How to Change the World without All the Noise
It was an unforgettable image from protests following the horrifying death of George Floyd. A young man was struck by a car after jumping on its hood. The female…
Checks and Balances in Government Amendment
Checks and Balances in Government Amendment Article 1 Title. This article is known as the “Checks and Balances in Government Amendment.” Article 2 Denial of State Personnel and…
Federalism Education Requirements for Public Attorneys
Federalism Education Requirements for Public Attorneys Whereas, the High Court has reiterated time and again that the sovereignty, jurisdiction, and even the supremacy of the States in their…
Term Limits Appear to Strengthen Nascent Democracies in Africa
Around the world democratically elected leaders from Venezuela (read more here) to Turkey (read more here) are subverting rule of law to install themselves as “rulers for life.”…
Statement Opposed to Overturning Quill
Overturning Quill Corp v. North Dakota (1992) would upend decades of precedent safeguarding Congress’s constitutional prerogative to regulate interstate commerce. Abrogating the limits of constitutional preemption on matters of interstate…
Compact for America: Balanced Budget Amendment
REFERENCE TITLE: ___________________ State of ___________ (Introducing ________) _________ Legislature __________ Session 20___ __. B. ____ Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of _____________:…
Creating Rules of Procedure to Govern a Convention for Proposing Amendments Pursuant to Article V of the U.S. Constitution
Testimony before the Tennessee Senate Judiciary Committee Prepared by Karla Jones Director of the Task Force on International Relations and Federalism American…
Honoring the Guide of the Republic
George Washington described the U.S. Constitution as “the guide which I never will abandon.” While modern Americans may not have abandoned it, we certainly have become woefully ignorant of its…
The New East-West Divide
Last night on Mark Levin’s radio show, Mr. Levin played a clip of Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaking with Field and Stream Magazine about federal control of lands in the…
Video: Friedrichs Supporters Stand for Free Speech
On Monday morning, ALEC staff gathered with teachers, parents, legislators and grassroots leaders on the steps of the Supreme Court to support Rebecca Friedrichs, a California teacher who is fighting…
Application for a Convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution of the United States
WHEREAS, the Founders of our Constitution empowered State Legislators to be guardians of liberty against future abuses of power by the federal government; and WHEREAS, the federal government has created…
Intrastate Oil and Natural Gas Use Act
Intrastate Oil and Natural Gas Use Act Summary: The purpose of this bill is to create the Intrastate Oil and Natural Gas and Use…
Intrastate Coal and Use Act
Summary The purpose of this bill is to create the Intrastate Coal and Use Act. The bill establishes that the environmental regulation of coal…
Application under Article V of the U.S. Constitution For a Convention to Propose a Balanced Budget Amendment and Further Fiscal Restraints
Application under Article V of the U.S. Constitution For a Convention to Propose a Balanced Budget Amendment and Further Fiscal Restraints Summary The resolution will address a specific…