Tag: limited government
Tag: limited government
VIDEO: ALEC 49th Annual Meeting Highlights
More than 1,200 attendees from across America gathered in Atlanta in July for the ALEC 49th Annual Meeting. The message they heard repeatedly was that states…
Taxpayers Voting with Their Feet
2022 Rich States, Poor States Report: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index “The number one reason on census surveys that people give for moving from one state to another…
ALEC in RealClear Politics: ‘Great Opportunity Project’ Spreads Best State Economic Policies Nationwide
REALCLEAR POLITICS By Alfredo Ortiz & Jonathan Williams Next Monday is Tax Day, the last day for Americans to file their 2021 tax returns. This year’s Tax Day coincides…
To My Fellow Federalists
We must learn and engage the art of coalition if we are to avoid becoming yet another principled movement whose talk was tough but left empty…
State Spotlight with MO Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft stopped by the ALEC office this week. While he was here he talked about federalism, limited government and how his father influenced his career.
Taxpayers Foot Bill for Union Interests
Prior to a court case ruling otherwise, taxpayers in the city of Phoenix paid $950,000 a year in salaries and benefits to send six city police officers to work…
Myth of the Day: Austerity in the Form of Spending Cuts Will Harm Growth and Employment
The recent debates in state and federal government regarding overspending and massive deficits during a period when the economy is sluggish makes this fiscal policy myth particularly timely. Today’s myth…
PPACA on Campus: Professors and Students Lose Out
Evidence of the unintended consequences of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) continue to abound. This time, adjunct professors—a group comprising an estimated 70% of university faculty in…
ALEC to States: Repeal Renewable Energy Mandates
ALEC adopts Electricity Freedom Act and discusses it on Master Resource (a free-market energy blog). “As the debate over subsidies, handouts, and cronyism for renewable energy continues, so too…
ALEC works with lawmakers
ALEC op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle this morning. “While Washington has become gridlocked and largely ineffective, the real legislative action is happening at the state level. Why? Because…
Inside ALEC Takes on Taxes
“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this…
Rep. Linda Upmeyer on What ALEC Means
ALEC’s Second Vice Chair Rep. Linda Upmeyer (IA) writes what ALEC means, and why it is good. Click here for entire article in The Gazette. “I chose to be a…
N.J. could use ALEC’s ideals
The Newark Star-Ledger reported on ALEC last week. We responded with an op-Ed in Sunday’s edition talking about our principles and the real policies New Jersey could use to enhance…