Category: In The News
Category: In The News (page 27)
R.I. Desperately Needs Reforms
Last Tuesday, Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo addressed the General Assembly to discuss her budget for the upcoming fiscal year. What she presented reflects Rhode Island’s fiscal policy at large:…
Malloy’s Budget Game Must Match Words
A budget-season miracle happened during Gov. Dannel P. Malloy‘s State of the State address Wednesday. The lightbulb finally went off. It wasn’t a General Electric brand lightbulb, but it was better…
Oklahoma students deserve education savings accounts
Gov. Mary Fallin’s State of the State address included a call for innovative options in education, including education savings accounts, a program that the Legislature has attempted to…
After GE, CT Needs Spark to End Economic Blackout
In the early 1970s, New York City and State implemented tax hikes. In response, General Electric moved its corporate headquarters from Manhattan to Fairfield. At the time, Connecticut had no…
Feltscher to Breitbart: Choice for All Students is the Future of American Education
Late last week, and just in time for School Choice Week, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a universal education savings account (ESA) bill for all of the District…
Inez Feltscher Defends School Choice in O.C. Register
Board members of the Anaheim Union High School District and Superintendent Michael Matsuda took to the Voice of OC news site to argue that charter schools’ “main goal” is to…
Feltscher to Breitbart: Omnibus Bill Fails to Reauthorize School Choice
Adding to other disappointments for conservatives, the FY 2016 omnibus spending bill does not include reauthorization for the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (DCOSP). The District’s scholarship program serves…
Inez Feltscher to Breitbart: Washington Budget Deal Neglects Kids in Need
American Legislative Exchange Council Education and Workforce Director Inez Feltscher went on Breitbart News Daily with host Stephen K. Bannon to discuss a critical bipartisan failing in the recent budget deal…
Regulations are the Fourth Branch of Government
Too often, American businesses are targeted by bureaucrats and regulators. Webs of red tape ensnare corporations and small mom-and-pop shops alike, and companies are faced with the tough choice of…
Civil Forfeiture Assumes Guilt
This appeared in The Baltimore Sun March 20, 2015. In August 2012, law enforcement stopped Mandrel Stuart, the owner of a small barbecue restaurant…
Why the FCC Should Stay Out of the Local Broadband Business
This appeared on May 20, 2014. By: Rep. Blair Thoreson Despite two failed federal attempts to assume new powers over the Internet, the…