Board of Directors

A dedicated team of state legislative leaders from across the country serves as the governing board of ALEC. They are among the vanguard for freedom who dedicate their time and resources to promote limited government, free markets and federalism.

Senate President Ty Masterson

2024 ALEC National Chair, Kansas Senate

Sen. Patricia Rucker

2024 ALEC Vice Chair, West Virginia Senate

Sen. Jim Dotson

2023 ALEC Secretary, Arkansas Senate

Speaker Designate Daniel A. Perez

2023 ALEC National Chair, Florida House of Representatives

Senate President Stuart Adams

2021 ALEC National Chair, Utah Senate

Sen. Jim Buck

2017 ALEC National Chair; ALEC Board Member, Indiana Senate

Rep. Demi Busatta

Florida House of Representatives

Rep. John Carson

Georgia House of Representatives

Sen. Julie Daniels

Oklahoma Senate

Rep. Seth Grove

Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Rep. Matt Hall

Minority Leader, Michigan House of Representatives

Sen. Josh Harkins

Mississippi Senate

Sen. Phil King

Texas Senate

Sen. Dan Laursen

Wyoming Senate

Rep. Susan Lynn

Tennessee House of Representatives

Rep. Kim Moser

Kentucky General Assembly

Rep. Bill Seitz

Ohio House of Representatives

Sen. TJ Shope

Arizona Senate

Speaker Pro Tempore John Wills

Iowa House of Representatives