Category: Uncategorized
Category: Uncategorized (page 18)
The Energy Link: Energy Producing States and Social Mobility
On this blog, we have previously explored the apparent links between energy production and economic growth, rising incomes and lower unemployment rates. With the caveat, of course,…
Homeschooling Continues to Grow
According to the latest data available, approximately 1.7 million students are homeschooled in the United States, or 3.4 percent of the total schooling population. Interestingly, the number of Hispanic…
West Virginia and Arkansas Engage on EPA’s Clean Power Plan
The Clean Air Act notably identifies states as being first among equals to the federal government when implementing environmental regulations. Indeed, the preamble of the Clean Air Act states…
Taxpayers Foot Bill for Union Interests
Prior to a court case ruling otherwise, taxpayers in the city of Phoenix paid $950,000 a year in salaries and benefits to send six city police officers to work…
Colorado Taxpayers Will Likely See TABOR Tax Refunds Next Year Colorado taxpayers are very likely to get a break when they file their taxes next year as the state prepares to refund some tax revenues back to taxpayers…
Mississippi Becomes 8th State to Protect Direct Primary Care On Wednesday, March 18, Governor Phil Bryant approved the Mississippi Direct Primary Care Act, a measure to promote innovation and affordability in health by shielding direct primary care…
Ohio Senate Works to Rein in Closed-Door Deals with Private Attorneys
The Ohio Senate just passed legislation that would require oversight and fee limitations when the state Attorney General hires private attorneys on contingency fee. Where other government-hired servicers are required…
Indiana Leads the Way in STEM Education
March 14 was Albert Einstein’s birthday, a scientific legend known worldwide whose name has become synonymous with the word ‘genius.’ How many Einsteins are growing up in America’s public…
ALEC Weighs in on Proposed Ozone NAAQS Revision
Yesterday, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) expressing significant concern with a proposed revision of the current National Ambient…
On Saint Patrick’s Day, U.S. Has Much to Learn From Ireland
While Saint Patrick’s Day gives people all over the world a reason to be Irish for a day, it might be better for the United States to move permanently ‘Irish’…
Expanding Internet Access Through Innovation in the Private Sector
The promise of broadband is being realized across the country, in urban and rural communities, including all demographics, amongst the middle class and the poor. While access to, and adoption…
Strengthening the U.S.-Israel Economic and Strategic Partnership
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before a joint session of Congress remind the American people that, despite reports of strains in the partnership, U.S.-Israel strategic cooperation has recently accelerated…
Utah Legislature Passes Comprehensive Criminal Justice Reform Thursday, March 12, the Utah Legislature passed reforms to realign the state’s criminal justice spending and strengthen alternatives to incarceration for low-risk, low-level offenders. The legislation, HB 348,…
The Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT)–How Local Chapters Play a Role in Economic Development
By: Evelyn Suarez Women’s History Month seems a particularly appropriate time to highlight the Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT) and how its chapters around the United States promote…
South Dakota Legislature Moves to Reform Juvenile Justice System Yesterday, the South Dakota House of Representatives passed the Juvenile Justice Public Safety Improvement Act, legislation that aims to strengthen the state’s juvenile justice system by safely…
Wisconsin Marks the 25th Right-to-Work State
Earlier today, following rigorous debate in the legislature, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed into law SB 44, a right-to-work bill that makes union dues and participation optional for workers.
USDA Data Highlight Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Benefit to the States
Just over a week ago the U.S. Department of Agriculture released data suggesting that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement would increase agricultural exports to the benefit of all 50…
To Appreciate Public Sector Employees, Allow Them to Decide Union Membership and Representation
Today, March 6th, marks Employee Appreciation Day, a day when employers across America can take an opportunity to recognize their employees for their hard work, dedication and achievements of the…
Regulating Like Its 1934: The FCC’s Decision to Reclassify the Internet as a Public Utility
Why should the Internet—a “modern technology”—be subject to regulations originally drafted in the mid-1930s? The Federal Communications Commission’s recent vote was less an adoption of “Net Neutrality” regulations and…
The Past, Present and Future of the Common Core Part 3
‘The Future of Common Core’ In January, the Task Force on Education conducted a three-part webinar series, The Past, Present and Future of Common Core. The webinars provided an…