Tag: health care
Tag: health care
Elections Will Have a Major Impact on Healthcare
Elections are just around the corner and all eyes are on the Presidential race. When it comes to health care issues, the divide between the candidates is more like a…
Price Control Schemes Threaten the Health and Well-Being of People Who Rely on Lifesaving Medicines
There are proposals being floated in the nation’s capital that would institute elements of socialized medicine into America’s health care system in an attempt to lower the prices of prescription…
State Solutions to Make Health Care Affordable
A topic on the minds of many Iowans and Americans as a whole is the issue of health care. In Iowa, we spent a lot of time addressing many of…
Telemedicine Apps Help Solve Supply and Demand in Healthcare
The mid-century ideal of a doctor arriving at the doorstep with a black bag and sitting at ones’ bedside sharing reams of advice is a rosy image many people long…
Health Care and the Individual Insurance Market
Iowa once had a stable and affordable health insurance market. Premiums were low, consumers had several choices, and our uninsured rate was lower than the national average. We also had…
Resolution to Combat Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals
WHEREAS, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) recognizes the importance of protecting intellectual property (IP) rights including patented pharmaceuticals regardless of national borders; and WHEREAS, protection and enforcement of intellectual…
New CDC Guidelines May Lead to Patient Suffering
This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted new draft guidelines for primary care physicians who prescribe prescription opioids to patients suffering from chronic pain. The…
Supreme Court Sides with Idaho, Blocks Medicaid Lawsuits
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in Armstrong v. Exceptional Child Center, holding that Medicaid providers cannot sue states to increase reimbursement rates. In a 5-4 decision…
Mississippi Becomes 8th State to Protect Direct Primary Care
https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/mississippi-state-capitol-24355282 On Wednesday, March 18, Governor Phil Bryant approved the Mississippi Direct Primary Care Act, a measure to promote innovation and affordability in health by shielding direct primary care…
Administration, States Establish Special Open Enrollment Period
https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/open-enrollment-doctor-chalkboard-on-white-252608704 On February 20 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the creation of a special enrollment period for taxpayers to avoid penalties for non-compliance with…
ALEC HHS Task Force Director on the Lars Larson Show
On February 19, Sean Riley, the director of the ALEC Task Force on Health and Human Services, went on the Lars Larson National Radio Show to discuss Obamacare enrollment numbers.
Wyoming Defeats Medicaid Expansion Proposal
On Friday, the Wyoming State Senate voted 19-11 against a proposal to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. The House Labor, Health and Social Services Committee then pulled…
Medicaid Expansion Fails in Tennessee
A proposal to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act failed 4-7 in Tennessee’s Senate Health Committee during a special session Wednesday as lawmakers expressed concern with increasing the…
Nevada Drops Problematic Health Exchange Website
Following the lead of Maryland, Oregon, and, most recently, Massachusetts, Nevada became the fourth state last week to drop its troubled health exchange website after facing serious technological issues…
Massachusetts Plans to Replace Troubled Health Insurance Exchange
On the heels of Oregon’s decision to drop its dysfunctional health insurance site, Massachusetts officials announced plans to follow suit on Monday. Unlike Oregon, however, Massachusetts will be taking…
ALEC Amicus Brief: ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate Fails to Account for State Interests and Displaces State Policy Choices
Contact: Kaitlyn Buss Phone: 202-742-8526 Email: kbuss@alec.org ALEC Amicus Brief: ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate Fails to Account for State Interests and Displaces State Policy Choices Washington, D.C.