ALEC Staff

ALEC has an eclectic set of full-time staffers who strive daily to promote limited government, free markets and federalism. Their diverse interests, backgrounds and experiences contribute to an effective team of happy warriors for freedom.

Chandler Averette

Digital Media Specialist

Holly Barber

Director, Events

Tala Baityeh

Development Manager

Gretchen Baldau

Senior Director, Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development

Juan Bautista

Senior Accountant

Annelise Coffin

Events Manager

Lars Dalseide

Director of Policy Advancement and Media Relations

Zachary Federico

Manager, Veterans and Military Affairs Task Force

Jose Fernandez

Office Manager

Andrew Handel

Director, Education and Workforce Development

Alex Hinson

Director of Non-Profit and Corporate Relations

Emma Janney

Partnerships and Engagement Coordinator

Alan Jernigan

Manager, Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force

Karla Jones

Vice President, Center for International Freedom

Hannah Josephson

Account Coordinator

Kathaleen Kelly

Legislative Outreach Coordinator

Rose Laoutaris

Policy Manager

Mark Lucas

Policy Coordinator

Nino Marchese

Director, Civil Justice and Criminal Justice

Cynthia McDowell

Executive Assistant to the CEO & Board Liaison

Joshua Meyer

Director, Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force

Jake Morabito

Director, Communications and Technology

Ilana Ovental

Program Manager

Laneigh Pfalser

Legislative Outreach Manager

Brooklyn Roberts

Senior Director, Health and Human Services Task Force

Gabriella Uli

Manager, Legislative Engagement

Amy Varner

Senior Director of Email Promotion and Salesforce Administration